Our Story

We are newlyweds from West Virginia, currently residing in Austin, TX. We are Robyn and Derik, and together we are RAD. This fun acronym also works as a title for our upcoming journey- our RADventure! Cheesy, perhaps, but fun, nonetheless. Before meeting, we both had a love of travel and exploring- whether it be far away or in our own backyard. 

Let's start off with Austin. When Derik was a couple months from graduating college, we decided moving to a new city was a good idea. We applied to jobs in various cities across the country, and we each only received one phone call- both in Austin! It was truly fate. This time in Austin (about 2 years now) has been incredible. Moving far away from everyone and everything that we were familiar with forced us out of comfort zones individually and as a couple. Also, moving to a new place is a serious rush of excitement. I don't think we were home the entire first month besides sleeping- so many new things to see and do and eat!

Fast forward- we got engaged in Austin and were married this past October in western Maryland. We didn't take the "traditional" honeymoon after the wedding for a few reasons. One- I didn't have a lot of vacation time left at work from taking time off to prep/have the wedding. Two- wedding planning is a h u g e time commitment and I wasn't ready to plan two big things at once. Three- we came up with a (kinda) radical idea to take an extended honeymoon. Our lease ends in March, so we decided why not quit our jobs and GO. So we are doing just that. In a couple months, we will start our journey.

Originally we were going to spend a few months backpacking through Europe for our honeymoon. Derik, being both the thoughtful and adventurous soul he is, suggested we take an extended-extended trip before the honeymoon through the United States. I had made a goal a few years ago to hit all 50 states by the time I am 30. Since we will have no commitments (as far as work, rent, etc.) "Why not?" take a cross-country trip and cross a few states off the list?

This is a bit crazy, or at least the opposite of mainstream in American culture. When I think about it, I wonder "If not now, than when?". When in life will I ever have the freedom to do this? This blog will be a way for us to keep family and friends up to date with our travels, along with anyone else who may be interested in our journey. 


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